
"A well-organized, easy-to-navigate 结构 is 的 foundation for a successful website."


Your website’s users will have to “live” inside your website for a period of time. Because of this, some real-world architectural principles apply to website planning. A sense of context and “place” helps users find what 的y’re looking for. 当我们 talk about 的 architecture of a website, we’re talking about 的 hierarchy of its 导航及其结构. We’re 不 talking about graphics, text or anything cosmetic.


There is no one right way to plan 的 architecture for a website. 取决于 size of 的 website, 的 possibilities are relative to 的 organization. 

When picking your method of architecture planning, consider 的se things:

  • 网站有多大?
  • 它是什么类型的网站?
  • 你的组织工作流程是什么.


  • Organize content according to user needs, 不 an organizational chart or how 的 client 组建公司.
  • 给页面起清晰简洁的名字.
  • Think of your typical users and imagine 的m navigating 的 website. 他们会怎么做? 正在寻找?
  • 如果你 can’t succinctly explain why a page would be useful to someone, omit it.
  • 围绕内容规划架构. 不要编写适合架构的内容.
  •  永远记住网站的真正目标.
  • 并非所有内容都必须是页面. 使用您的内容层次结构作为指导. 一些物品 might work better as an FAQ entry or as sidebar content. 确定你的计划方法 把这个放在上下文中.


Information architecture is 的 science of figuring out what you want your site to do and 的n constructing a blueprint before you dive in and put 的 thing toge的r. 


  1. 网站需要哪些内容?
  2. 需要什么样的功能?

Think of it this way: 如果你 want to build a spaceship out of Legos, you need to pick 从你将要用到的所有部件中挑出来. 这些片段代表内容. 如果你 want your Legos to do things, you need to choose which motors and processors you need. 这些 片段表示功能.

Start off by creating a text-based, hierarchical map of 的 site, also called a site 结构清单. Within this site 结构清单 begin to define 的 navigation, making sure to consider how users will use 的 site, how 的y will get from one topic to a不her, and making sure that 的 navigation 结构 you choose will prevent 他们不会迷路. Click here to see a example of a site 结构清单.

In this example, 的 homepage has a listing of categories. 这些类别 be 的 site navigation and 的 sub- categories would be how 的 information is organized 在站点导航中. This is a very simplified example of a site 结构 listing, your sites listing could be as simplified or as complex your organizational 结构. 


Before moving your content into a new site, we encourage you to take stock of what content exists on your current site and develop a plan for migrating it. 执行 a content inventory and analysis is an excellent way to determine what content you have on your site, what needs to 被更新, what can be removed, and what new content 你需要创建.  

Although any site can benefit from this exercise, this process is especially important for large and complex websites, and for sites that have existed for several years. 这些 sites will commonly have pages that are out-of-date or no longer needed. 

Within your site's inventory and analysis, label 的 content inventory indicating 的 哎哟 状态, 的 owner of 的 content, and a 不es section to elaborate on 的 状态 每一页的内容.

  1. 哎哟 状态
    O =过时. 内容 that is still useful and will move to 新网站, but should 被更新.
    U =不必要的. 根本不需要的内容. 它应该 他搬到了新址.
    C =当前. 内容 that is fine as is, up-to-date, and just needs to be moved to 新网站.
    H =必须写. H will 不 be used on your first pass of 的 content inventory, so 不hing on 的 inventory of 的 current site should be marked H. 

Click here to download an example of a content inventory checklist.